Saturday, August 30, 2008

Baby Monster Egg Head

In Japan, all my students used to tell me "You have [a] small face" which was a compliment that my face is, well, small. The fact that my "face is small" and my features rather close together in one small corner of my skull more greatly offsets the fact that I have a rather large skull. Whenever I wore a winter hat in college, certain kind friends would accurately nickname me "monster egg head." Him also, I've noted, has a rather large head, but his face is much more proportionate, making his skull seem less monstrous.

Anyway the point is, Teeny Bean had his 2 month checkup the other day and is apparently not so teeny. At 25 inches, 12 pounds 12 ounces and a 40.1 centimeter head circumference he ranks in the 95th percentile for height, the 75th for weight and at a whopping 151st percentile for being genetically predispositioned to fit into the monster egg skull circumference category.

While I'm not a huge fan of baby percentiles (although I understand it makes pediatricians feel more secure that children are properly growing) it certainly is fun to know that he is growing very very well and that all those random people I've met at the grocery store/on the street who said "__ weeks?! oh, was he a preemie?" (more than a few commented on his smallness as a matter for concern, although only 3 actually used the word preemie, so it doesn't truly make for a valid complaint, really ^_^--but--what mother wouldn't get flustered about such things?) are very much proven to be mistaken.

(This post has some odd writing, it will not be corrected because the author requires the extra 4 minutes of rest, which has become 3 since she decided to type this silly little aside.)

1 comment:

The Goodfellas said...

ee! i like that new picture! :)