Saturday, July 12, 2008

Teeny Bean's Busy Day

Hmmm...what should I do today?

"Through the orbital instantiation of a system of control like peaceful coexistence, all the terrestrial microsystems are satellized and lose their autonomy."

Drum Practice

"Yo, I, DONE with these diapers, get out those wipers, or I get hyper."

"Do my worst, eh? Smithers, release the robotic Richard Simmons."

"What is the true essence of the Buddha?"

"Who me? Why are you taking my picture?"


The Goodfellas said...

he looks so different already! i love the bottom one. oh my.

ps. excellent captions :)

OtterBee said...

Thanks, he just always seems like he has so much to say--lately he looks funny every other day, so I just had to capture part of his "little old man" day that he had here. Such a funny teeny guy.